Friday, June 27, 2014

Got return date wrong

Sorry, everyone my last update I sent through with return date of July 8 is wrong. I am a week behind obviously. Two weeks holidays means the week we return is July 14..

Yours in Scouting,
Stephen Hughes (Bagheera)
Group Leader
Beenleigh Scout Group
0490 181 933

This message was sent from Dibbs Club Manager ( as a circular email. Other people will have received this email.

Term 2 over, get ready for Term 3

Hello everyone,
Term 2 is over and I thought I would say thank you for a great first half. Term 3 will be a busy one, especially over the weekends of Aug 22/23 and August 30.
I am writing to provide a heads up so you can work your schedules to assist us in these fundraising and other activities. This week and for two weeks upon return, from July 8, we will have folders out where you can nominate where you can assist us. We need all hands on deck to make things happen.
Aug 22/23 we have double event happening:
Beenleigh Sports Club Raffle
We have been fortunate to be allocated three evenings at the Beenleigh Sports Club to sell their raffle tickets. We supply nothing, just turn up and sell tickets and get the benefits. We have been told we can earn good money at this for only 5 hours of effort.
  • Fri Aug 22 - 5:45pm to 8pm (7 people needed)
  • Sat Aug 23 - 5:45pm to 7pm (5 people needed)
  • Sun Aug 24 - 5:45pm to 7pm (5 people needed)
Get families to come along and support the group. I will be in attendance these events wearing my uniform. We can not have youth members assist due to the activity.
Working Bee
We have set aside three windows of four hours on Aug 23 & 24 to have a working bee. You will be able to nominate the best day and time to attend as we want as many as we can in attendance.
What will be the focus:
  • The Shed will have new shelving installed (4 people max)
  • We are looking to install a native garden on either side of the main gates, and along the retaining wall and fenceline.
  • We may even, if funding is approved, look at painting the outside of the hut
  • And there maybe other items we need to address.
Aug 30 is the next large event:
Car Boot Sale and Car Wash
We need everyone to assist where they can here. I have decided to ramp this up as I  believe we can get a good number of 3x3m stalls in the area. However, to make this work I will need helpers to assist with coordinating the bump in for stallholders, last time it was just me and it was not great!
Add to this the BBQ, Cake Stall, plus Car Wash attendance for youth members and parents there is a lot where we can all pull together to make it a great day out.
All I am asking is for you to come for a 2 hour window to assist at this event. The funds raised go back to the group and do some upgrades we have not been able to get grants for. It has the potential to generate over $1500 if we get the stall holders on the day and visitors to the come up.
There will be a marketing push with flyers starting on July 15 - 6 weeks out, so we need you all to help get the poster up at Schools, shops and even via a letterbox drop in your area.
I appreciate it is two weekends of crazy, but if it works the amount of funds raised will be going towards upgrades on the Hut, which is sad looking and needs some loving. Let's give the Joeys and Venturers are great place to come too.

Yours in Scouting,
Stephen Hughes (Bagheera)
Group Leader
Beenleigh Scout Group
0490 181 933

This message was sent from Dibbs Club Manager ( as a circular email. Other people will have received this email.

Quest Newspaper Grant - Your help needed

We have just applied for a grant via Quest Newspaper Community Grants. The grant we are seeking is for $1000 to put towards the garden at the front of the gates. Logan Council are onboard with the changes we are looking at doing.
Now your help, this grant is won by the number for votes we get from the public. For us to win we need everyone in the group to get behind this and vote.  Voting opens on July 2 for 3 weeks.
Grant Details 
Quest Community Grants
Quest Community Grants is giving away financial grants to support ideas that will help improve your local community. Do you have an idea that will make your community a better place to live?
Quest Community Grants begins on 4th June 2014 and finishes on 23rd July 2014.
Up to $15,000 worth of grants may be awarded. This is broken down into 15 grants of up to $1,000 each.
This grant cycle is made up of an application period (where you are able to submit your idea), finalist selection by judging panel and a voting period (where readers across Brisbane and your friends and neighbours get to vote for the idea they want to see brought to life in their community).
You may submit as many ideas as you like in each application period and vote up to ten (10) times during each voting period.
Get the word out
Once voting is open you may campaign to get people supporting your idea. There are many ways you can generate excitement and support such as Facebook, Twitter, putting up flyers at your local shops and word of mouth through family and friends.
Anyone who wants to vote for your idea will need to register to vote on our website – they will have ten (10) votes to allocate to one or more projects.

Yours in Scouting,
Stephen Hughes (Bagheera)
Group Leader
Beenleigh Scout Group
0490 181 933

This message was sent from Dibbs Club Manager ( as a circular email. Other people will have received this email.