Sunday, December 30, 2012

Beenleigh Scouts ready for Jamboree

Was wandering around the the Jamboree site this afternoon and located the Beenleigh Troop B41 site.


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Fundraising at Kippa-Ring Lions Markets

Today the Grouo were offered an opportunity to fundraise at Kippa-Ring Lions Sunday Markets.

After a 3am wake up call and arrivibh at 4:45 am we are armed and ready to collect the entry fees which will see the group receive the funds collected.

We wish to thank the Lions Club of Kippa-Ring for the opportunity.

XMAS Break up

On Friday night the Group geld its final night of the year. This is traditionally the Group break up night and we have the pleasure of hosting Santa again.

On this night the group invested Group Leader - Stephen (Bagheera).

more to come...

Monday, November 26, 2012

Joey Scouts day out at AWOL Yatala

See the Joey Scouts in action at the Animal Welfare League at Yatala for their Caring and Sharing section of the Joey Scout Promise Challenge.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Maverick Night a hit

The Beenleigh Scout Group would like to thank all those that attended the second Maverick night. For some the effects were still being felt well into Sunday.

The Maverick Night is a chance to have a night of toy pony racing, play with funny money, buy horses as owners in auctions and to have fun around the few tables.

What starts of as a quiet night ends up in a lot of laughing, cheering and just plain good fun.

The money raised from the night will go to the Jamboree fund to assist in getting our Maryborough in January.

To all the businesses that supported the night through the donations for the prize table, thank you for the support. The gift table hand out at the end of the night did not seem to want to finish.

In the end a great night was had by all and be ready for early September 2013 for Maverick Night III.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Maverick Night - Oct 20

We are short on ticket sales and if you wouldbe interested in attending a fun and fully jam packed night then pease let us know your intentions to attend.

From $20 per person you get $5000 in funny money, entry to the door prize entry and lots of other fun things throughout hte evening.

Get dressed up to the nines and really get into the spirit of the night.

All money is being raised to send our Australian Jamboree Troop to Maryborough in January.

Please email the group to advise if you would like to attend.

Car Wash & Car Boot Sale - November 10

On November 10 Beenleigh will be holding another Car Boot Sale and Car Wash.

$20 a stall and $10 per car. Time 7am to 12pm

Please support our Scouts on the journey to Jamboree.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Car Boot Sale & Car Wash round up

What a great day was had by all yesterday at the Car Boot Sale and Car Wash. Thankfully the weather held off, yes we had a few showers, but not enough to cancel the day.

Beenleigh Scout Group wish to thank all of Beenleigh for their support in turning out. We were able to make over $1000 for the day.

Plenty of cars were washed, lots of sausages were sold, and lots of people dropped in to see what we had on offer.

Beenleigh Scout group wish to thank the following for their support:

  • Super Butcher - for the donation of 200 sausages - all sold out.
  • Word of Mouth - for your stall and continuing support
  • Mobile Coffee Van 
  • to the Scout parents that held stalls 
  • to site bookings from the general public.
We will be holding another one later in 2012. Look forward to your continuing support. 

Well done tot he fundraising team for getting this organised.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Car Boot Sale & Car Wash

The Car Boot Sale and Car Wash for Jamboree will be on this weekend, June 2, from 7am. Please come along and help support getting our Scouts to Jamboree.

Beenleigh Cane Festival 2012

The Beenleigh Scout Group was proud entry into the Beenleigh Cane Festival. This year we had to come up with a float that was themed on Sugar Cane. Our theme was a hut and yard, plus a table and added extras.

We had a great cross section from all sections of the group and it was great to see them having so much fun. During the parade the youth members were tasked with handing out flyers for upcoming fundraisers to get our Scouts to Jamboree in January.

In the end we are rewarded with the 'Best Community Entrant", this is the second year in a row that we have won this category.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Car Boot Sale and Car Wash Cancelled

Due to the weather today the fundraiser has been cancelled. To be rescheduled for June 2 or 9

Friday, April 27, 2012

ANZAC Day March 2012

Wow, what a great turn out from our group for the Beenleigh ANZAC Day March. We had 51 members march and they all did a terrific job too.

This parade is getting bigger every year and it can be a confronting to have to walk with so many people watching. It was so great to see our members walking with so many happy faces and meeting people they knew along the route.

Well done everyone

Monday, April 16, 2012

Fundraising activity - May 12

Attention all Mum's and her friends. You are all invited to a Ladies day at the den on Saturday May 12 from 1pm.

Costs will be $10 per person, payable by Friday 11th May or at the door.

Entry will see you receive a glass of champagne or orange juice upon arrival, nibbles and a wonderful well deserved 10 minutes neck massage.

A home shopping extravaganza will also be on display - who needs TV shopping!

Come and join us for an afternoon of fun.

Hey Kids  - Shhh don't tell Mum - Gift vouchers will be available if you want to purchase an early Mother's Day present for your Mum or special person in your life. Ask at the den desk how to get one. The voucher can only be used on the Ladies day at the den only.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Fundraising update - meeting Friday 20th April

Just a friendly reminder there is a fundraising meeting on friday night at 7pm, at the hut.
The BBQ at Bob Jane T-Mart, Beenleigh went ahead on Saturday. So far we have made $160 profit for the day. This was not a bad effort. Thank you to those families who attended.

Please remember and spread the word, these fundraising meetings are open to everyone. More the merrier.

Things we need to discuss on friday are:
  • Car wash / car boot sale on 28 April
  • Ladies day on 12 May
  • Chocolate drive
  • Hypercolour shirts
  • 70th anniversary

On a side note, we really need some help with the coordinating for some of these events
Thank you, and see you all on Friday night if not earlier.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Fundraising Calendar Updated

The Group Calendar has been updated to include the Fundraising activities.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012

Fundraising - Collecting Cans

Many thanks needs to go to those who have been collecting cans for the Den. We especially like to thank Bunyip as he and his wife Kim have been collecting cans from a local restaurant.

We have just cashed in the first amount, and have received $65 for the effort. As a result we are looking at obtaining a collection bin at the Den. Pleasesave you can - remember to crush them before you bring them in.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Clean Up Australia Day

Beenleigh Scout Group will be participating in the Clean Up Australia Day activities. This year it was decided to keep the clean up local.

There is a website set up for this activity, and if you decide you can register your interest, howevcer, we will still be following our standard Scouting practices for seeking permission to attend.

Our areas of clean up will be:
  • James St - Hammell Park area, opposite the Beenleigh Showgrounds,
  • Street and park area bordering Zander St, and
  • length of George St, from the roundabout at Hammel St, through to the Main St roundabout.
The designated start point will be the park area opposite the court house in James St. This is lower traffic area than opposite the Showgrounds on a Sunday morning. We can then walk to the areas and begin the clean up.

Time is down from 9am utnil 12pm - unless completed earlier.

View Larger Map

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Joeys have a new website

Our Beenleigh Joeys have a new website for you to follow their antics. The address is:

There is a new email for you to get in contact with them also -

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Scouts Section Return Dates

The Beenleigh Scout Sections will return on the following dates:

- Scouts : January 27
- Venturers: January 30
- Cubs: January 31
- Joeys: January 31